Philippine Brygo er politisk rådgiver for det franske sosialistpartiet, der hun jobber spesielt med internasjonale og europeiske spørsmål.
Før hun startet Pari Socialiste, jobbet hun for FN i New York, i avdelingen for fredsbevarende operasjonen, som en del av studiene.
Hennes forskning har dreid seg om kjønn og konflikten i Nord-Irland, samt sikkerhetssituasjonen i Midtøsten.
Hun har studert litteraturvitenskap ved Sorbonne, kjønnsstudier ved Saint-Denis og internasjonal politikk og lovverket i konflikter ved Sciences-Po Paris.
Under studiene var hun aktiv i den venstreorienterte studentorganisasjonen, der hun blant annet satt i styret.
Philippine Brygo works as International and European policy officer at the International department of the French Socialist party, currently in power. She has been working there for almost three years, after a couple of months working at the Department of Peace-keeping Operations at the UN in New York, during the course of her studies.
Her research work deals with gender and the armed conflict in Northern Ireland, and on security issues in the Middle East.
She studied Literature at the Sorbonne University in Paris, Gender Studies at Saint-Denis University, and International relations and the Law of Armed Conflicts at Sciences-Po Paris. During her studies, she worked and was an activist in the main French left-wing student union, in which she gradually took responsibilities and was appointed at the National Board. She was also engaged in politics at the same time.