Patrick Diamond er leder av den britiske tenketanken Policy Network, forfatter, statsviter og tidligere politisk rådgiver.
Bio in english:
Patrick is Chair of Policy Network. He is lecturer in Public Policy at Queen Mary, University of London, Gwilym Gibbon fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, and a visiting fellow in the Department of Politics at the University of Oxford.
He is the former head of policy planning in 10 Downing Street and senior policy adviser to the prime minister.
Patrick has spent ten years as a special adviser in various roles at the heart of British government, including 10 Downing Street, the Cabinet Office, the Northern Ireland Office.
His recent publications include: Beyond New Labour (with Roger Liddle, 2009); Social Justice in the Global Age (with Olaf Cramme, 2009) and After the Third Way (with Olaf Cramme, 2012); and Global Europe, Social Europe (with Anthony Giddens, 2006).